Please login with your username.
If purchasing a package for someone else,
select it as a gift and input their username at the checkout page.
Do NOT log out of Minecraft until the purchase is processed.
Need Support? Click below for support on our Discord Server.
Welcome to the MegaPixel9 Store
Server IP: Play.MegaPixel9.com
MegaPixel9 is a 1.18.2+ server network that provides a fun, community-focused experience for everyone who decides to join. On our store, you can buy ranks, items, commands, and other perks to help support the server and keep it running every single day. Thank you very, very much for your purchases.
Purchase & Payments
Before purchasing, please make sure you have entered the correct Minecraft username. We cannot transfer packages from one player to another. After you confirm your purchase, you will get your items in-game within 30 minutes. If you purchase while you aren't on the server, no worries! You will get the items and ranks the next time you log-in.
With that being said, if you do not receive your orders, contact our support via Discord. We will help you out right away!
Customer Support
If you do have any issues with your purchase, please feel free to reach out to us by opening a support ticket on Discord. You can also reach us via email at megapixel866@gmail.com
Please note: All Chargebacks will result in an IP ban from our network. Further legal investigation regarding the chargeback may take place. Please reach out to our support team before attempting to do a chargeback.
Join our Discord
MegaPixel9 is all about community, and the best way to be a part of that community is Discord. It's simple, it's easy, and it's the best way to meet people who play on the server and get support! Click Here to join the MegaPixel9 Discord Server today!
Rules still apply. Items must be purchased for yourself or as gifts for others. Players may not pay you with real Life Money.
Refund Policy
MegaPixel9 does not provide refunds unless otherwise stated. Due to funds being allocated towards projects, development, and server staff to improve MegaPixel9, we do not provide refunds. As per our Terms of Service, all sales are final after checkout; however, if you do have an issue with your purchase, such as being charged an incorrect amount, please reach out to us on Discord or via email at megapixel866@gmail.com
Attempting to go around the Refund Policy and doing a chargeback on the purchase will result in a Permanent IP Ban on Play.MegaPixel9.com as well as a ban on platform that Minecraft servers use to process purchases) that prevents you from making purchases on other server stores. Further legal investigation regarding the chargeback may/will take place. Please reach out to our support team before attempting to do a chargeback on any purchase if there is a problem with your purchase.